How I Use Microsoft Products to Facilitate Great Meetings
Microsoft Teams is a collaboration app built for hybrid work, allowing teams to stay informed, organized, and connected — all in one virtual space.
My Journey to Great Presenting
My presenting skills were first shaped at an early age, but they weren’t always met with the most eager of audiences. I was raised in a religion in which sharing our message door-to-door was important. As one might imagine, showing up uninvited to someone’s home to discuss religion doesn’t always bode well.
How Often Should You Prioritize?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and paralyzed by your never-ending to-do list? You’re not alone. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to prioritize our tasks. We either go into flight, fight, or freeze mode (chucking the list out the window!) OR we dive right into the list without a clear plan. Neither option is super helpful when it comes to accomplishing your goals.
How to Reach Your Goals with a Habit Tracker
Have you ever heard the phrase “it takes 21 days to form a habit”? Well, while according to some studies that might not be entirely true (or the correct number of days), it’s clear that forming good habits is the key to success. From getting more sleep to eating more vegetables, setting goals and tracking progress can help us stay on track and reach our ambitions. A habit tracker can be an excellent tool for this.
How I Created a Roadmap for the Birthday Trip of a Lifetime
I create roadmaps for my company, for every product we release, but I also find roadmaps to be a powerful tool from a personal perspective. Companies often develop strategic roadmaps that list out all the really important things they want to deliver. Early on in my project management career I thought, why not use this tactic for my own life too?
How Scrum Masters Can Cultivate Happy Scrum Teams
At the heart of every successful scrum team stands the Scrum Master, a pivotal role responsible for guiding the team towards efficient collaboration, continuous improvement, and ultimately, delivering value. Think of them like the conductor and your project as the symphony.
6 Types of Presentations: Explained!
Most presentations have one of three primary purposes: to inform, to persuade or to relate to others. If you research “presentation types” you will see a variance in what is out there and how people define what they are. But generally, all presentation types fall into one of these three goals.
5 Tips for Effective Team Collaboration When Working Remote
Working remotely comes with its own set of unique challenges. While I’ve always been a big fan of the work from home lifestyle and have been doing so in some capacity since 2010, I also understand that it can take a little bit to get used to.
A Note on Team Dynamics
Many people don’t like to work in teams because their teams are dysfunctional. Their teams have gotten stuck in “storming.” Plateauing at this level of Tuckman’s Model of Group Development with your team often creates the dislike of working in teams.
5 Brainy Hacks I've Learned from the Students in My Accountability Programs
As an accountability coach and mentor, I have had the privilege of working with numerous individuals striving to reach their goals and unlock their full potential.
Should You Bet on Gen AI for Business Success?
After a full day immersed in AI conversations at a recent conference, I stopped by Whole Foods to pick up some groceries. As I was checking out, the Sept-Oct 2024 edition of Harvard Business Review caught my eye. In bold, black text, it read, "Embracing Gen AI at Work." Given how much generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) has been the topic of conversation with my clients recently, I couldn't help but grab a copy.
Getting Started on Your Wellbeing Journey with Nimble Up
Embarking on a wellbeing journey can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to knowing where to start. At Nimble Up, we believe that the first step is understanding which dimension of your wellbeing needs your focus. We’ve created resources to guide you through every stage of your journey—whether you’re taking your first step or looking for a more personalized approach. Let’s dive in!
Listening to Intuition: The Story Behind the Birth of the Lifelong Wellbeing Foundation
Intuition is a strange thing, isn’t it? The way it guides us without always revealing the destination. And as I sit here today, reflecting on how the Lifelong Wellbeing Foundation came to be, I realize that every step has been led by that quiet voice within. Hindsight, after all, is always 20/20. Back in July 2024, I headed to the Biohacking Summit in Helsinki with one goal: to listen.
My Love Letter to Biohacking: Why This Industry Feels Like Home
I’ve been to countless conferences, but something about the Business of Biohacking Summit felt different. I found myself in a room filled with open-hearted entrepreneurs, founders, and inventors—people genuinely focused on improving the world, each other, and themselves.
Exploring the Benefits of Adaptogenic Coffee: My Journey with London Nootropics
Let’s dive into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart—coffee. My love for coffee has been brewing for years, ever since I had my first mocha in Madison, Wisconsin, in the mid-90s. From hanging out after school at Monks on 4th Street in Dubuque, Iowa, to studying the ethics of coffee farmers in college, coffee has long been my constant companion. It’s more than a beverage for me—it’s a ritual, a moment of pause, and a source of comfort.
Reflections on Adam Grant’s Hidden Potential
I was at London’s airport, en route to Helsinki for Teemu Arina’s Biohacker Summit, with 20 pounds of cash burning a hole in my pocket. The airport bookstore called my name. So many options, but one book stood out: Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant. I picked it up, put it back down, and wandered off to browse other titles. Yet, I kept coming back to this one. Something about the idea that “we can all improve at improving” hit home. So, I took my last 20 pounds and made it mine.
Unlocking Potential Through Hand Analysis: My Experience and How It Could Help Organizations
When I first heard about hand analysis, I was admittedly skeptical. Like many, I associated it with fortune-telling and mysticism rather than science. However, after attending a session at the Biohacker Summit in Helsinki, my perspective completely shifted. Brent Bruning, a renowned hand analyst, delved into the fascinating correlation between fingerprint patterns and human behavior.
Finding Accountability at The Process Denver
Holding yourself accountable can be incredibly challenging. Whether you’re working from home, overwhelmed with a long to-do list, stuck in freeze mode, or facing a task you’re unsure how to start, it’s easy to get sidetracked. But what does it really mean to be accountable? According to the dictionary, it’s being "required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible." But sometimes, we need a little help with justifying our actions and holding ourselves responsible to get things done.