Project Management Anchorlight Creative Project Management Anchorlight Creative

How Often Should You Prioritize?

Have you ever felt overwhelmed and paralyzed by your never-ending to-do list? You’re not alone. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to prioritize our tasks. We either go into flight, fight, or freeze mode (chucking the list out the window!) OR we dive right into the list without a clear plan. Neither option is super helpful when it comes to accomplishing your goals.

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Recommended Resources, Project Management Rebecca Sanchez Recommended Resources, Project Management Rebecca Sanchez

Finding Accountability at The Process Denver

Holding yourself accountable can be incredibly challenging. Whether you’re working from home, overwhelmed with a long to-do list, stuck in freeze mode, or facing a task you’re unsure how to start, it’s easy to get sidetracked. But what does it really mean to be accountable? According to the dictionary, it’s being "required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible." But sometimes, we need a little help with justifying our actions and holding ourselves responsible to get things done.

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Rebecca Reflections, Project Management Rebecca Sanchez Rebecca Reflections, Project Management Rebecca Sanchez

The Power of Retreat: Creating Space for Reflection

Last Thursday marked the culmination of an intense five-month period for me. I had just wrapped up three major projects, all on the same day. The following morning, I enjoyed breakfast with a friend and then set out on a solo trip, an activity that I cherish deeply. There's something liberating about hitting the road alone, where you can stop wherever you want and take your time without worrying about anyone else's schedule.

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Project Management Anchorlight Creative Project Management Anchorlight Creative

People-Centric Project Management: How to Build High-Performing Teams

Effective project management is not just about following a process or using tools and technology. It is also about building a strong team that can work together towards a common goal.  

People-centric project management is a holistic approach that prioritizes the well-being, communication, and collaboration of team members. In short, it puts people first.  

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Project Management Anchorlight Creative Project Management Anchorlight Creative

What is a Roadmap?

What is a roadmap? I like the word… roadmap. Road. Map. When you think of a map, what do you see? There are details. But not ALL of the details. A map simply includes the features that specifically will help you in knowing you’re going in the right direction.

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Project Management, Change Management Anchorlight Creative Project Management, Change Management Anchorlight Creative

What is a Requirement?

Over time, as we become adults, this expression falls by the wayside a little bit. We don’t readily express, “I want…” or “I need…” In fact, some people come to view needs as weaknesses and wants as selfishness. This social conditioning is grounded in the belief that putting our needs and wants above the needs and wants of others is wrong. Even if we know that the concept of putting on our own air mask before assisting others applies in way more situations than just loss of cabin pressure.

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Project Management Anchorlight Creative Project Management Anchorlight Creative

Which Scrum Master Certification Do I Choose? Scrum Alliance vs ScrumSTUDY vs

Scrum Master: What is it? Growing in popularity since its inception in 1986 when Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi first introduced the term in their Harvard Business Review article, Scrum is an agile project management framework that helps organizations and companies manage projects, raise team accountability, and lower project costs.

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