How Often Should You Prioritize?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and paralyzed by your never-ending to-do list? You’re not alone. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we forget to prioritize our tasks. We either go into flight, fight, or freeze mode (chucking the list out the window!) OR we dive right into the list without a clear plan. Neither option is super helpful when it comes to accomplishing your goals.
I’ll be honest, it can be hard to know when to prioritize and how often you should do it…especially when you’re new to the prioritization process. But don’t worry – I have some guidance for you! Keep reading if you want to learn more about when and how to prioritize your list of tasks.
Why Prioritize?
If you’re not sure why you should prioritize your tasks, let me explain. When faced with a long list of tasks, it is important to identify which ones are urgent or important. This will help keep you focused and organized as well as prevent unexpected delays or challenges from happening down the road. So, how do you do this? By choosing a prioritization method!
And don’t worry. You can read THIS POST to learn more about prioritization methods, their benefits, and how to apply them to your task list. Check it out first and then hop back over here… I’ll wait!
When Should You Prioritize?
The best way to know when it is time for you to deploy your chosen prioritization method is by evaluating how quickly your list changes over time. Do new items get added frequently? Are there items that stay on the list week after week? If so, then it might be time for some reevaluation. If new items are continually being added, try setting aside time each week just for prioritization so that your list remains manageable. That way, you can easily track any progress or changes in priorities as they happen and adjust accordingly.
Consistency will help you stick to your weekly prioritization time. So once you’ve landed on a day of the week and time that works for you, add it to your calendar and protect it. Even 5 – 10 minutes will likely be enough. Know that no matter what Sunday evenings at 8 pm or Wednesday mornings at 11 am is when you spend time with your task list to get it set up for the week ahead.
How Often Should You Prioritize?
Even with that dedicated time, prioritizing is an ongoing process; every time something new gets added onto your list, take thirty seconds to reassess what is most important and what needs attention first. When you get a fast and furious email from a colleague asking for a favor it’s easy to zip that to the top of your list without batting an eye. We all do this! But remember, just because a task is at the top of someone’s priority list doesn’t mean it needs to be at the top of yours. The more that you practice taking that pause every. single. time. a new item crosses your desk, the more this will become a habit for you. And you’ll become more adept at slotting those new items where they actually belong on your list.
If things tend to stay relatively consistent on your list (not many items coming in or going out), you may find that this in-the-moment approach can set you up for a monthly prioritization session instead of weekly. You may have to try a few things on for size before you land on the pattern that’s perfect for you. No two people are the same and neither are their task lists!
Whatever cadence you land on is simply there to ensure that nothing slips through the cracks while still allowing you enough flexibility for any changes in priorities or deadlines that may come up throughout the month.
Regardless of whether your task list is constantly changing or staying relatively constant, prioritizing should always remain an ongoing process for you to stay focused and organized. Creating the space to prioritize allows us to evaluate our lists more efficiently and effectively so that we can tackle whatever comes our way with ease!
So go ahead—prioritize those lists like a boss!
Head over to our Resource Library to download a free copy of our Prioritization Checklist and grab the accompanying Prioritization Quick-Start Guide for just $10!