Finding Accountability at The Process Denver
Holding yourself accountable can be incredibly challenging. Whether you’re working from home, overwhelmed with a long to-do list, stuck in freeze mode, or facing a task you’re unsure how to start, it’s easy to get sidetracked. But what does it really mean to be accountable? According to the dictionary, it’s being "required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible." But sometimes, we need a little help with justifying our actions and holding ourselves responsible to get things done.
I’ve found a place that’s designed to do just that. At Nimble Up, we help create spaces within organizations to foster accountability. Yet even I sometimes need an extra push, and that’s where The Process Denver comes in.
It all started when the folks at my beloved road bike shop, knowing my passion for productivity, recommended I check out The Process Denver, located on the second floor of their building. They thought I’d really hit it off with Paul Murphy Shirley, the owner, who happens to be a former professional basketball player, a published author, and a fellow effectiveness process nerd.
With so many projects going on at Nimble Up, I needed a space where I could focus and timebox myself to complete tasks that seemed to keep slipping through the cracks. The Process Denver follows the Deming Cycle model —Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)—an improvement cycle rooted in the scientific method of proposing and refining changes in a process. After all, anything we want to achieve involves a process.
The Process Denver offers timed sessions—one-hour Sprints and two-hour extended sessions—so you can focus and work efficiently. Each session is staffed and guided by a team member to keep you on track. You can tell how much they value structure, accountability, and productivity.
I’ve been going to sessions at The Process Denver for two months now, and today marks the start of my third month getting stuff done in this cool, focused space that Paul has set up.
If you’re looking for a place to get clear on what you want to accomplish, where you can timebox yourself to actually get it done, and then reflect on how it went (celebrating your success with chocolate!), all while meeting some really cool people doing equally cool stuff, you need to check out The Process Denver.
Plus, as you continue to come back, Paul incentivizes you with bags, shirts, pins, and even gift cards.
Do you live in or near Denver? Want to experience this cool spot with me? Paul has offered my contacts a discount—use the code NIMBLE15 for 15% off when you sign up for one month. You can also check out the events I’ll be attending and come by to say hi here: The Process Denver. You can also find events on Eventbrite.