How the 14-Week Accountability Program Changed the Way I Work
As someone who has worked remotely since 2016, I was ahead of the curve on the hard truths that many discovered during the pandemic. While there are plenty of advantages to working from home, it can also become overwhelming and lonely. This is where I found myself in the Summer of 2022. My to-do list already felt never-ending, with new tasks pouring in each day, but I needed to make time for two major project finishes that had deadlines looming. With a staff count of one clocking in at my home office (although he has a great attendance record, my ragdoll cat isn’t yet on the payroll), I knew that if I really wanted to get stuff done over the next few months, I needed to look for some outside accountability.
Starting with that first Thursday meeting with my cohort, I embarked on a 14-week program that would completely change the way I work (forever!). Here are a few of the key things I’ve learned.
Breaking Tasks Down Into Smaller Chunks
Today, I’m over halfway through my third 14-week program. Rebecca sometimes reminds us that there are certain things in life that we GET to practice for the rest of our lives. Well, I can confidently say that this first lesson is something I’ll be practicing forever. The 14-Week Accountability Program quickly showed me that for years I’d been suffering the consequences of not breaking my tasks down into smaller chunks.
I’d write down “Write article for Jeannie” as a to-do in my planner and then wonder why I was so inclined to procrastinate. Bigger projects look overwhelming when we don’t break them down.
Now I might start with something like, “Decide on topic focus and title for Jeannie’s article.” Seems much more manageable and less intimidating, doesn’t it? This helps me get started and then I can move onto research, outline, write, proofread and before I know it…*CHECK* *CHECK* *CHECK* that project that felt insurmountable is done.
Breaking things down means I don’t feel like I’m facing a mountain of work each day; instead, I can focus on completing one task at a time and take pride in my progress as I go along.
Making Space for Feelings
Another key thing I’ve learned through Rebecca and my experience in the 14-Week Accountability Program is to make space for my feelings when working on projects and goals. Often, we rush through our days checking items off our agenda without taking any time to process how we might be feeling about everything that needs to get done.
Each week in our meetings, Rebecca creates this space by asking how we feel in relation to our project. I have found this weekly reflection to be a powerful way to check in with myself. If I’m feeling frustrated, exhausted, or unfocused that’s not good or bad…it’s just my reality in that moment. I can then share how I WANT to feel in the coming week (maybe confident, joyful, or trusting) and focus my planning in ways that will help me achieve that renewing emotion.
Making space for these emotions helps me better understand myself and allows me to approach my weekly tasks with more clarity and purpose. It also helps alleviate pressure to see not just how my own feelings ebb and flow, but those in my cohort too. We don’t all feel amazing about our progress every single week…and that’s okay!
The Power of Support Systems
For over half of a year, I’ve been meeting with my accountability group every Thursday at 10 am. They have taught me how important a support system can be when it comes to getting stuff done—especially when working from home by myself every day!
Having weekly check-ins with these folks has been such a gift. It provides me with an outlet where I can share my successes as well as any struggles or roadblocks I may have encountered throughout the week. And they do the same. We celebrate each other and brainstorm solutions. Knowing that others are invested in my success has helped keep me motivated and inspired even during those difficult moments when I want to throw in the towel.
We’re all on separate paths to getting stuff done, but gosh does it feel good to know our paths run alongside each other.
Through participating in the 14-Week Accountability Program, I’ve learned countless valuable lessons. All of which have ultimately enabled me to become more productive and efficient.
I have achieved big goals (like building out online curriculum, ghostwriting a book, and overseeing a book awards contest).
I have checked items off my bucket list and built new habits.
I know that you can do the same.
You DESERVE to do the same.
If you're looking for an inspiring way to reach your goals or just need some extra motivation and support, then joining an upcoming accountability cohort may be just the answer you’re looking for!